Do you feel stuck or trouble moving forward?

A growth mindset is a term popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck which, refers to the belief that our abilities and intelligence can be cultivated with time, effort, and dedication. In opposition, a fixed mindset, is that sense of feeling stuck and not progressing. At Mindful Steps Therapy, growth is embracing the fear of change and challenging the stuck sense to explore the inner wisdom and increasing awareness to see the opportunities and options all around you. When we get stuck outwardly, we must look inside to see what is going on. 

This perspective shift is not just a theory of academic or professional pursuits; it's a transformation for personal growth. When we allow ourselves to approach life's hurdles with resilience and a proactive attitude change happens and we start to move again no longer stuck.

Let's look at how cultivating a growth perspective can change how you approach lifes challenges, feelings of stuckness, and setbacks from the unexpected things in life.

1. Embracing Challenges as Opportunities

Viewing challenges that we face in our every day life, as stepping stones rather than obstacles needing to be fixed, is at the heart of positive change. This shift in perception encourages:

  • Perseverance: When we recognize that most achievements require time and persistence we can embrace the process and the journey of learning, knowing that each effort is acknowledged along the way and not so focused on the outcome.
  • Learning from Failure: Failure is scary and can be a barrier towards true growth. If we can challenge that fear and see it as a necessary learning part of growth, then failure isn't a devastating loss its a lesson and vital part of growth. 

2. The Role of Effort in Personal Growth

How we do things to reach our goals and travel along our personal journies is often the mystery of life. When we break it down to view it as an effort of awareness set with intention than we can understand that this is where true mindfulness is a lifestyle and daily intention key to valuing your hard work and acknowledging every step we take.

  • Celebrate The Path You Walk & Progress: When we create the direction, set intention, acknowledge, and celebrate your efforts, not just your successes in the outcome then we open our hearts up to more joy. This positive reinforcement helps us enjoy what we do and encourages continual growth and learning through the process.
  • Consistent Practice: Setting each day and moment with intention to pause and acknowledge where you were to where you are now seems simple yet vital! Develop a routine that incorporates regular, focused practice to enhance your skills and knowledge incrementally. Mindful activities to practice is key and variety is important.

3. Constructive Feedback and Learning

Feedback, when viewed through the lens of a growth perspective shift, becomes a powerful insight for personal and professional development.

  • Seeking Feedback: Actively seeking constructive criticism and being open to suggestions helps us to shape, mould and form how we do things and engage with the world around us. Be a student of life and ask questions to support your growth forward. 
  • Adapting Strategies: Being adaptable and willing to adjust your methods is a hallmark of a growth-oriented individual. Learning new ways to do things can be not only helpful for you but everyone around you improving your interpersonal relationships and dynamics for the better! 

4. Cultivating Resilience Through Positive Self-Talk

The ways in which you speak to yourself matters more than you know! That internal dialogue you have with yourself can either propel you forward or hold you back keeping you stuck and feeling left behind. Cultivate a narrative that supports growth:

  • Encouraging Positive Compassionate Self-Talk: Acknowledge that self-criticism is part of you but not all of who you are! When we speak to ourselves with words of encouragement, kindness, and compassion just as you would with others around you. Remind yourself that growing is a life-long journey and we can pace ourselves through it. Suffering is part of the landscape of life.
  • Emphasizing Learning through Curiosity: Get curious with life and the challenges that cause us to suffer. Creating a bit of space and distance between. Identifying the lessons and learnings from the experiences we encounter and happen to us, rather than on a perceived lack of ability or curse against us.

Transforming Perspective to Transform the Self

When we actively participate in transforming our current held perspectives and evoking a new way to see and view the world around us we can then seek to transform ourselves to grow through rather than resist a necessary change. Life is cycling through many seasons of pain, strife, grief and challenges in life, a journey that provides us the opportunities to continually learn and be resilient. By embracing this truth and fact of life, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities and opportunities, seeing a chance to expand your horizons and enhance your capabilities moving forward.

If you're intrigued by the concept of a growth perspective and wish to explore how it can be applied to your personal and professional life, we invite you to contact us for a consultation call.

Together, we can discuss strategies, supporting you in cultivating growth in your life meeting you where you are at. The practices that we use are evidence-based and well informed by current research that integrates holism to empower you to embrace challenges, overcome obstacles, and embark on a fulfilling path of continuous growth and cultivating a compassionate lens for yourself.


The content in this blog is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your doctor or a qualified mental healthcare provider before trying new healthcare interventions. Talk to your therapist about a mindfulness based lifestyle and explore feelings to determine what suits you best! If you do not have a therapist please reach out for support today!

Mya Moran

Mya Moran

Owner & Registered Psychotherapist

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