One-on-One Peer Consultation
Supporting Therapists in Mindful and Skillful Practice
- CRPO Exam Preparation
- CRPO Exam Custom Case Studies
- Case Based Assessment (CBA) Preparation
- Conceptualization Support (Case Study or Client Based)
- Private Practice Support
- Currency Hour Tracking & Docketing
- Business Set-Up & Getting Started
- Where to Start After You Graduate...
Peer consultations are born from supporting therapists who were unable to attend a Workshop or the Peer Study Group. Developed to support you through challenges and questions you may have in your personal practice, business-related, and/or preparing for the CRPO Registration Exam. This is a wonderful way to add to your professional development, and is designed to meet your learning style to integrate into your own practice.
How It Works
Meet & Greet - Initial Meeting:
This Meet and Greet is a conversation getting to know each other, learn about you and your needs. From here we develop the best course of action that supports your needs moving at your own pace.
Subsequent Meetings:
Each meeting after the Meet and Greet is focused on what your needs are and no time is wasted! Duration and frequency is person specific and based on learning styles.
*Peer Consultation is not Supervision it is a collaborative space sharing wisdom and knowledge from personal and professional experiences*
You will want to still document the time spent in Peer Consultation, as they can be applied towards your CRPO Currency Hours during your license renewal each year. These hours are integral and must be tracked if you are looking for a good tracking/docketing method I can help you with that.
Investment Rate
Meet & Greet - Initial Meeting: 1 Hour $90.00
Subsequent Meetings: $90.00/Hour
Subsequent meetings can be customizable to your schedule ranging from 1-2 hours depending on your goals and needs.
We can meet Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or on an As Needed Basis. Flexibility is designed to fit into your busy therapy schedule!
Payment Methods Available: Credit Card or E-Transfer
E-Transfers are made out to
Peer Consultation
For Therapists and New Graduates who are looking for that 1:1 support to find what's best for them in business, preparing for the CRPO Registration Exam and exploring options that's best for you! Let's work together to help you get to where you want to go.
Mya Moran